Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Santa Claus Day

"Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people once a year"
(Victor Borge)

I'm writing all this while eating pirogis (with strawberries). Today is the Santa Claus Day (in Poland), so we all should be happy, give small presents each other and so on. Christmas is coming, lots of colorful stuff in supermarkets, people are decorating their christmas trees. And I'm lazying every single day, having worse and worse mood. Why do I have to feel sad at this time of the year? A few years ago I felt happy, I was waiting for Christmas with my whole family, I was decorating the tree. Now I would like to move from my room in the dorm... somewhere else, near my friends. I don't want the Christmas spirit to die in me. I don't want to be lonely during the Christmas time. Of course I'm not alone, I'm spending it with my dad and grandparents, but... I'd like to have my own family more and more, everyday this feeling seems to be stronger.

Jeff's nuts roasting on an open fire,
Check for snipping at your nose;
You'll tide carols being sung by the fire,
And folks dressed up like Eskimos.

Happy Santa Claus Day!

Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Laziness is the sister of indifference

It is better to sit down than to stand, it is better to lie down than to sit, but death is the best of all
(Indian Proverb)

This quote was found on google in half a minute, because I was too lazy to search for a better one. Some people say sloth is one of the main sins. Who cares? Why am I so lazy? Maybe because I always find a better thing to do than studying. I'm also too lazy to write more on this topic, so good night.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Ducks! More Ducks! ;-(

It's the end of the second turn of our presidential elections. Lech KaczyƄski is the president. No future, but return to the past. I hope it's not real...

Worse or better?

In the last few days I:
* lost my wallet (and was given it back)
* had a tooth- and headache (but now it's not so painful)
* had to move out of my room in a students' dorm (but it turned out to be a better solution)
You can see - everything can turn out to a better situation. I hope today's Polish elections (for president) will go the same. I'd better Donald than Duck ;-)

Something worth seeing: Marvelous Beatboxer

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Welcome to the Country of Ducks ;-)

The Polish Parliamentary Elections showed that the majority of Poles doesn't have their own point of view... and changes it anytime when a new populistic party begins to convince them. Law and Justice - the winning party of twins (Ducks) - plan to change the Constitution, enforce a death penalty or take some rights away from people who are different than the Real Poles (e.g. gays). One of the Ducks once said "Gays can't be teachers". They also have support from the catholic fanatics from Radio Maryja, the most anti-semitic and intolerant group of people.

If you happy and you know it clap your ears

So... I ought to be thinking about moving to Norway in a few years, because I don't want to wake up with fear that some Duck is going to take my rights away or imprison me due to my different point of view.